- Menopause
- Adolescent Gynecology
- Gynecologist Care
- Birth Control
- Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
- Pregnancy Care
- High-Risk Pregnancy Care
- Nutrician
- Pregnancy Classes
- Antenatal Care
- Pediatrics
- Fertility
- Laproscopy
- Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal)
- Laproscopy Surgery
- Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)
- D&C (Dilation and Curettage)
- Endoscopy
- Pap Smear
- Mirena (Hormonal Iud)
- Dietician
- Psychlogical Services
Pregnancy care solutions
Whether you’re looking to conceive a baby or are already enjoying your pregnancy, Dr. Yashica Gudesar pregnancy care solutions help to keep you and your baby healthy. She offers a full range of pregnancy care services for your safe pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby.

Preconceptional / Pre-pregnancy counseling
Counseling of couples before planning pregnancy to achieve a healthy pregnancy. Family history, risk factors, medical conditions, and lifestyle all are discussed in accordance with a future pregnancy. Guidance to gain a healthy weight, updating appropriate immunization, reviewing medical conditions (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, thyroid, and seizure disorders) and their proper control, the safety of previously taking medications regarding pregnancy are discussed. Guidance regarding starting prenatal Folic acid and other essential medicines is given.
Pregnancy (antenatal) care
Care of a pregnant lady throughout 9 months, from conception until delivery. Guidance regarding appropriate investigations, medications, immunization, exercise, and diet is provided. Regular checkups to assess the baby’s health, various blood and ultrasound tests report assessment, resolving various concerns during pregnancy are done through counseling and guidance.
Normal delivery and cesarean
Vaginal delivery, instrumental delivery (forceps, vacuum deliveries), and cesarean section are done. Epidural analgesia (painless labour) can be offered. Epidural analgesia is one of the means to make your labour pains bearable while labour progresses. Risk assessment and cesarean section delivery service are provided.
Recurrent pregnancy loss and miscarriages
Management of pregnant women with a previous history of repeated miscarriages (abortions). Investigations to find out the cause for it and its management is done. Guidance throughout pregnancy and delivery is given.
Postnatal Issues
Guidance regarding breastfeeding, correct posture for breastfeeding is given. Post-delivery conditions like mastalgia and mastitis (pain and swelling of the breast), cracked nipples, breast abscess is treated.
High-risk pregnancy care
A pregnancy is considered high-risk when potential complications could affect the mother, the baby, or both. These include diabetes mellitus, hypertension, twin pregnancy, preterm labour, placenta previa, obesity, recurrent pregnancy loss, etc. All required diagnoses, treatment, and care are provided for high-risk pregnancies.
Infertility treatment
Examination, investigations, counseling, and treatment are provided for the couples seeking conception. Treatments like ovulation induction and IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) are done.
MTP (Medical Termination of Pregnancy)
It is a procedure to terminate the pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, it can be done with medicines. In the advanced stages of pregnancy, it can be done with surgical procedures. Counseling and MTP services are provided.
Contraception advice, family planning
Guidance to a couple regarding different methods for pregnancy prevention as per their need and convenience is provided. These include temporary methods like barrier methods, contraceptive pills, Cu T Insertion (IUCD), contraceptive injections, etc. Services like Tubal ligation are provided for those who want a permanent solution. Tubal ligation can be done either by Abdominal (open) Tubal Ligation or Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation methods.
The team at Mother and Child Care Clinic can help. To schedule an appointment, call or use the online booking feature.
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