Irregular cycles can lead to severe health issues! Know more!
Well, menstruation is not really an exciting affair for women, as every month, it’s a mess that everyone has to deal with. But,this bleeding in proper intervals is largely important to maintain a lot of bodily functions, mainly the reproductive system.What add up to the issues are irregular cycles of periods and this is certainly [...]
Why doctors prefer dioxin free pads instead of regular tampons
Do you know which is the thinnest yet the largest organ in your body? It’s your skin. You’ll be amazed to know that your body is just a one-tenth inch away from potential toxins. The skin around your vaginal area is deeply permeable. So, if you don’t want to compromise with your body’s hygiene, you [...]
How to combat High-Risk Pregnancy
Many women face a sudden transformation in their lives. From a glowing and cheerful pregnant lady, suddenly she becomes a high-risk pregnant lady. This transformation is not at all easy to handle. This new reality emerges so quickly that this uncharted stage welcomes lots of stress for a pregnant woman which ends up with quick [...]
It’s time to live a stress-free life with menstrual cups
Have you ever noticed the image of a small silicone funnel while scrolling down the Facebook feed randomly? It’s known as menstrual cups. After your first encounter, many questions must have popped up in your mind. For example, how to use this product? Is it secure and reliable? Well, according to doctors the answer to [...]
It’s time to switch from your regular sanitary pads to biodegradable pads to avoid health problems
It’s time to switch from your regular sanitary pads to biodegradable pads to avoid health problems A woman usually uses on an average 17000 tampons in her lifetime. It means you will use a total of 17000 products full of plastics, chemicals, polymers, perfumes, SAP, and different synthetic compounds throughout your life. The story doesn’t [...]
Symptoms, Causes and Treatments of Vulvodynia
Vulvodynia is a disease that causes acute vulvar pain in women. It affects vulva, that is the external organs of the female genitalia. It includes clitoris, vaginal opening, and labia. Until recently, physicians did not consider it to be an actual pain syndrome. Still, many women suffer from chronic Vulvodynia itching but do not undergo [...]
Answers to all your doubts regarding gynecologist in Dwarka
A female body is considered as a very complex structure. From childhood to being at an old age, you might have faced numerous issues regarding your body. In India, where the schedule of women is divided between household chores and professional life, feminine health issues are like constant companions.With endless curiosities in your mind, you [...]
Reasons for women to see a gynecologist apart from pregnancy!
“Gynecologist in Dwarka? They are visited only when one is pregnant.”If you believe so, this is a very common misconception you are having.With the term gynecologist, people mostly relate to the treatment when a woman is pregnant. True, but that’s not the only time. Other than pregnancy, there are certain feminine problems that teenagers to [...]
What Causes Chronic Genital Itching in Women Other Than Yeast Infection?
70 out of 100 women have complained of chronic genital itching at some point in life. The most common conclusion for any vulvar infection or unease is yeast or bacterial infection.Often women take to medications by themselves as the whole idea of genital irritation appears to be extremely humiliating. However,gynaecologists and doctors all across the world have [...]
Is Bed Rest in Pregnancy Good or Bad?
Bed rest in pregnancy sounds logical (in case your doctor has advised you) because obviously you care for your baby and don’t want anything to go wrong. Most doctors recommend bed rest during pregnancy in 70% of cases so that would-be mothers can avoid complications, have on-time delivery and a healthy baby. There are certain other [...]
Time to Discuss the ‘Hush-Hush’ Topic – Female Genital Hygiene!
Let’s get to the point straight – “how often do you clean your vagina?”Or, “how concerned are you regarding female genital hygiene?” Although the modern perception of women have changed a lot, talking about genitals or vagina still remains a taboo amongst the majority in India. Again,while most do not even know that genital care is important, others [...]
Rescue tips for situation like “I am unmarried and Pregnant, What to Do ?”
Are you dealing with a situation like I am unmarried and Pregnant, What to Do? Then do not worry because every problem has a solution. It is indeed a tough situation, where you might not get any idea what to do next. Especially when you are in India, it gets really tough to cope up with such [...]
Prepare your body for labor pain with Yoga Classes in Dwarka for Normal Delivery
Normal delivery is the first preference of every pregnant woman. After all, who wants to go under the knife, stitches, and pain? Plus, you would also want to live that delivery moment. But, not every woman can go for normal delivery due to several health issues. That is why, it is recommended to attend Yoga Classes [...]
How to get normal delivery? Note the reasons and prepare yourself accordingly !
The pregnancy test that you took in the morning has revealed something really good. It is the pink double lines! Well, congratulations and the preparation starts off! But then this journey is quite a long drawn one – 9 months to be precise. Also, the process… of the most painful to get the most beautiful [...]
Which Doctor/Hospital Offer Painless Delivery in West Delhi or Dwarka ?
The first question that comes to every pregnant lady is Which Doctor / Hospital Offer Painless Delivery in Dwarka? However, total painless delivery is practically not possible. But the intensity of pain can be reduced following the advice and suggestion that a doctor gives. In order to get the right advice, you must choose the right doctor [...]
Cervical cancer vaccination in Dwarka: How, Why and When! Know it all!
‘’Close to 366 million women who are above 15 years of age have the proximity of developing cervical cancer.’’ Did you know that as per latest data, India is the hub of cervical cancer? Not just that, as per recorded status, there has been close to 74,000 deaths in India due to cervical cancer, which [...]
Why is cervical cancer screening of such importance?
‘’The cancer that can be prevented but still the most widely reported!’’ Did you just get the news of your neighbor suffering from cervical cancer? Wondering if you are having any such symptoms? Well, to get a complete idea of your body and ensure that you are in the safe zone, cervical cancer screening is the best [...]
What are the services offered at a maternity clinic Dwarka ?
Being a woman is no easy thing. Throughout your lifetime, you go through a lot of physical and hormonal changes added with a host of feminine problems, isn’t it? Starting from your happening days as a teen to the days of being graceful elderlies, these gyno problems just don’t seem to leave you. So, where [...]
Premarital Counseling
Marriages are made in heaven. We all know it is not accepted literally nowardays. Going for a marriage….why not get your medical examination first like………HIV testing, Hbs Ag, any major disease, genital infection. The younger generation needs to know that you need to be healthy and fit before marriage and of course before pregnancy. WHY [...]
Preconceptional counselling
The topic of Pre conceptional counselling although old has been neglected by both patients and doctors. To get to know about preconceptional counselling 1st one should visit the doctor before marriage (Pre marital counselling) or before planning pregnancy. The state of females in India is still pity. Any gynaec is the right person to give [...]